14:01:15 From Kevin McDonnell (Huawei) to Everyone: I can hear you 14:01:31 From Brad Peters (nbn) to Everyone: No issues here 14:01:37 From Ray Forbes ETSI to Everyone: I cannot hear anyone 14:02:31 From Jörg Niemöller to Everyone: I also cannot hear anything 14:04:20 From Dave Milham to Everyone: https://projects.tmforum.org/wiki/display/ASC/2023-03-27+ETSI+NFV+AN+Presentation+Meeting+notes 14:04:38 From Dave Milham to Everyone: dmilham@tmforum.org 14:04:47 From Ray Forbes ETSI to Everyone: thank you 14:55:52 From Ray Forbes ETSI to Everyone: https://docbox.etsi.org/ISG/NFV/Open/Drafts/IFA050/NFV-IFA050v003.zip 14:56:08 From Ray Forbes ETSI to Everyone: Is this link public 14:57:07 From Kevin McDonnell (Huawei) to Everyone: yes it is, thanks Ray... 14:58:31 From Ray Forbes ETSI to Everyone: you can edit the URL https://docbox.etsi.org/ISG/NFV/Open/Drafts/ 14:58:46 From Ray Forbes ETSI to Everyone: to access ETSI ISG Drafts 14:59:35 From Ray Forbes ETSI to Everyone: https://docbox.etsi.org/ISG/PDL/Open/Drafts/ for ISG pdl 15:00:12 From Ray Forbes ETSI to Everyone: https://docbox.etsi.org/ISG/ENI/Open/Drafts/ for ISG ENI 15:28:29 From Kevin McDonnell (Huawei) to Everyone: Thank you Lingli and Haitao... 15:29:48 From Lingli Deng, China Mobile to Everyone: Thank you all. 15:30:03 From Rajavarma Bhyrraju [Ericsson] to Everyone: Thank you .. 15:30:47 From Lingli Deng, China Mobile to Everyone: Thank you Ray. 15:31:09 From Lingli Deng, China Mobile to Everyone: https://docbox.etsi.org/ISG/NFV/Open/Drafts/IFA050/NFV-IFA050v003.zip