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Submit a Catalyst Project proposal

Do you have an idea for a new Catalyst project? Great! 

If you are already registered with the TM Forum you only have two easy steps to make the initial submission.

The first step is to give the Catalayst project a working name, a short summary and define the Catalyst Type.

In the second step, you define the details of the Catalst project and you can share the draft submission with your Catalalst project team members.

Once compete a private proposal form will be created which you can invite your team to and once complete submit it for formal review.

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titleClick here to start the submission process

Building on our learnings and successes from our digital events during 2020, we are evolving our processes and events portfolio to give teams more flexibility and to alignment with our collaboration sprint timings (see calendar below) - here’s an outline of what you need to know: 

  • We have a new online submission form which allows you and your team to work together on the submission before sending it to us. 

  • A team must have completed at least two sprints to be eligible to showcase at a virtual or physical event 

Key dates: 

29 January (end of sprint 1): last submission date for virtual showcase in June 2021

1 – 5 February: Our collaboration projects will roll-up their sleeves for a virtual Action Week which we invite Catalyst teams to join (full details and agenda coming in January) 

2 April (end of sprint 2): last submission date for physical showcase (Digital Transformation World Copenhagen) in 21-23, September 

CFC Submission how-to Guide 

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nameCFC for Catalyst submission form guide.pdf

CFC Submuission how-to Video

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nameCFC Submission how-to Video.mp4

titlePlease Note

In order to submit a Catalyst Project proposal you must be a registed user with the TM Forum. If you can easily register here You will use the same username (your business email address) and password to make a Catalsyt submission.

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