Versions Compared


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  • Introduction
  • Permission to record.
  • Agenda review and location of input contributions.IPR proposal for joint work items:
    • Overview
    • Proposal to set up legal team meeting.
  • Feedback on Letter of Intent (formally MoU)
    • LoI announcement of work  
    • Agreements needed to share, review and approved the Joint White Paper 
  • Overview /review of Work package progress
    • WP02 Joint WP addressing proposal in Roadmap and Landscape (Operational use caseWP02. Work Packages (WP)
      • Working page set up Need to identify SDO results / plans on Autonomous Levels
      • Relationship to operational models
    • WP04 Common operating principle
    • Topics Matrix Topic / SDO Matrix
  • Administrative 
    • White Paper proposal based on topics table
    • Review /agree meeting schedule proposal Multi-SDO AN Meeting Schedules
    • Reorganise Reorganize joint working area
  • AOB

Call for IPR Declaration – IPR Statements for Use in Meetings


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Meeting notes


    • Introduction
      • Meeting is a formal meeting between SDO representatives
      • Record of attendees made and listed above 
    • Permission to record
      • Request to record made - granted  recording attached above 
    • Agenda review and location of input contributions.
    • IPR proposal for joint work items:
      • Overview
        • Goals is to create a copyright license agreement for jointly produced works as proposed in the works packages. 
        • agreement we to make this a per deliverable work package agreement  rather than a multi SDO comprehensive liasion agreement
        • Proposal to set up legal team meeting
  • .
        • In first of second week  of September
        • AP Dave Milham will send out letter of invitation to the Formal SDO representative 
        • Noted that the IPR arrangement for Letter of Intent (LoI) should be handled separately as this more like statement of direction ( a like press release
        • agreement we need to progress both the letter of Intent and the legal discussion for work package output concurrently
    • Feedback on Letter of Intent (formally MoU)
      • LoI announcement of work  
      • Noted that some confusion over scope of work proposed 
      • Need to set a deadline for comments.  Suggestion is 6th Sept, so that we can start to process comments 
      • Noted that current version is open to interpretation and could be thought of as setting up a new SDO and developing concrete specifications 
      • agreed that this was not the intention goal in most WP is analysis of  current situation and provide a report on issues and podsible resolution . e.g convergence of AN Levels definitions. 
      • Agreements needed to share, review and approved the Joint White
  • Paper 
      • Paper. 
    • Overview /review of Work package progress
      • WP02 Joint WP addressing proposal in Roadmap and Landscape (Operational use caseWP02. Work Packages (WP)
        • Working page set up Need to identify SDO results / plans on Autonomous Levels
        • Relationship to operational models
      • WP04 Common operating principle
      • Topics Matrix Topic / SDO Matrix
    • Administrative 
      • White Paper proposal based on topics table
      • Review /agree meeting schedule proposal Multi-SDO AN Meeting Schedules
  • Reorganise
      • Reviewed meeting schedule
        • will add an IPR Legal meting in either first of second week of September.
        • Meeting currently scheduled 18th Oct clashes with 3GPP meting agreed to reschedule to  4th Oct
      • Reorganize joint working area
    • AOB

Action List

        •  AP TMForum Dave Milham  update MoU draft to be a Letter of Intent (LoI).
        •  AP TM Forum  send a liaison within two days  with LoI request comment and feedback  on the Letter of Intent within 2 weeks. 
        •  AP ALL SDO to provide initial comment on the proposal by the 5th July   and indicate when they could formally agree to the Letter of Intent ( will depend on each SDO internal procedures.
        •  AP TM Forum will draft an MSDO IPR  proposal for review and agreement  by liaison.
        •  AP TM Forum will set up a working confluence page based on structure in WP05 and invite contributions
        •  AP TM Forum will make changes to the schedule on meeting page Multi-SDO AN Meeting Schedules
        •  AP IEEE will make a proposl proposal for the contents of such Common Operatinal Operational Principles document 

Next Meeting details
