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Dong Wang (China Telecom)ONAP[email protected]
Ranganai chaparadzaIEEE
Daniel ForesterTM Forum (Legal)[email protected]
Brad KlozaIEEE Legal
olga martynovTM Forum
Dave MilhamTM Forum[email protected]
Thomas Tovinger3GPP SA5
Andrea de VosTM Forum
Yuval Stein (TEOCO)TM Forum
Christian Loyau (ETSI) (Christian Loyau)ETSI (Legal)
Luigi Licciardi lwx426782TM Forum
Ton Brand (ETSI)ETSI
Aaron Boasman-PatelTM Forum[email protected]
Taka. NakamuraTM


Input Material


Topic: Dave Milham's Personal Meeting Room IPR Legal Representative Discussion
Date: Sep 13, 2021 12:59 PM London

Meeting notes

Located on-line at 2021-09-13 SDO Legal Representative IPR Discussion Meeting Notes - AN-SDO Collaboration - TM Forum Confluence  for thsoe whose have been added to access list.

  • Introduction
    • All
    attendedes welcoemd
    • attendees welcomed to the call especially the legal representatives.
  • Permission to record.
    • Requested and granted 
  • IPR proposal for joint work items:
    • OverviewDAve
      • Dave Milham gave an
  • over vie
      • overview of the
  • backgrand whichis that we have idneified two work packages that are of interest but not clear wha to put on the jointely edited docuemnt copyright Both workspages proposa anlaysisif exiting standards and recommendaton ( non binding) neither are standards and expectaion is that each SDO woul input into ther own  govenrance
      • background:
        • Over the series of prior meetings we have been identifying what might be practical Autonomous Networks. work between participants. 
        • Conclusion has been we need an per deliverable contractual arrangement between participants in each deliverable to avoid having to create a omnibus  multi-SDO agreements which will take time.  This need to cover also participation agreement on input IP.
        •  Both work packages proposals  (WP02-Operational Use Cases and WP04-Common Operating Principles) are based on  analysis of existing standards and creation of recommendations ( non binding).  Moreover, are they are not intended to be standards and expectation is that each SDO would input work package deliverables into there own  governance and internal processes and each decide what they should do with the information.
        • Meetings  have identified two work packages of common  interest but not clear how to handle IPR and Copyright / licensing for these planned joint documents.
          I.e what to put on the jointly edited document copyright/licensing statement.
    • Proposal from TM Forum for discussion - 
      • Andrea
  • deVos 
      • de Vos TM Forum Legal  outlined the proposed approach
  • whch
      • which leverage the concepts used in the TMF
  • Ipr
      • IPR and
  • licencing
      • licensing approach but adapted to the current
  • MSOD situationthe
      • MSDO  situation.
      • The key points are
  • An IPR declaration made by all the authors participating in creating a joint document  TMF has some suitable language
  • Teh copyright of the joint work would be held by one of hte autors and a licence would be made to the other authors to store  distribute and create derived works
      • :
        • TMF role is to act in role of facilitator
        • Simple on off contract, unbranded, that can be used by the participating authors in each work package. Not TM Forum document. TM forum is  offering to draft. 
        • Replicates some of copyright structures based on TMF IPR policy concepts with language tweaked to meet the needs of this project initiative.
        • Create boundaries in contract to make sure no contribution of patentable material and some waiver on contributed material containing patentable material.
        • Work Package  particpants  would assign copyright to TM Forum and TM Forum would license back to particpants ( and others). to allow fpr example storage distribution publishing and derived works
        • TM Forum would be a  sort of Hub and spoke. 
        • Efficient for us to use TMF Forum   our corporate language but not our IPR.
        • Need to keep short and simple.
        • Mostly concerned with copyright and license 
        • No intend to put burden on contribution. 
        • Leaves room for major contributing participant to publish first under own branding.
        • Need to have right license scope and limitations 
        • Interest to hear if that could generally work
      • Questions 
        • Q: Ranganai Would help to understand how IPR framework could be exercised for second paper by IEEE 
          If IEEE want to publish on IEEE website  and IEEE documents before other would this be covered? 
          • A: Proposal duplicates legal language used in TM Forum but doesn't extend to branding of paper.
          • Just need have correct licensing in place and clarity on licensing terms.
          • If under IEEE  banner  first mentionIEEE author other wayseparate from copyright Licenses e.g could Handled with language in deliverable recognizing authors.
        •   Q:  Need to understand the process and mode of contribution into SDO  
          • A:Tmforum as a starting point   copyright ownership remains with individual authors in their capacity  role wrt to the SDO they represent TM Forum would license bask out to other participants to make derivative works. 
          • Goals are to avoid changing governance and processes in individual SDO 
      • Also we think 
        • the copyright license
  • the copyright licence
        • can be extended to others that were not authors/ participants  ( recommended to
  • facilate
        • facilitate maximum uptake.
        • )
      • Admin Operational issues
        • Initial thinking is that signed up participates would be able to upload word versions to the working space rather than allow confluence on line edting as this will keep better track of contributions and avoid no partiicpant material being included.
    • Open discussion
      • 3GPP provides a contribution S5.214514   with some recommendations
      • Summary 
        • Mainly focused on Letter of Intent
        • SA5 happy to continue to collaborate on Harmonized definitions.
        • should be each SDO decision on adopting the material.
        • SA5 does not know how to handle joint document
        • Think and approach to prior TM FOrum 3GPP similar to Fixed mobile collaboratin might work ( see later for description)
        • Checked with MSCC leadership  for guidance
        • Because 3GPP not a legal entity and  composed of organizaton Partners (OP)  ther is no one who sign formal agreement
        • contructive approach identified 
        • If there is a proposal for a agreement Linked to Letter of Intent or joint documents the process is:
          • SA5 needs to review and provide recommendaton
          • SA5 cannot agree but recommendation comments have to go to  OP meeting ( legal  meeting only every six months)
          • Next one end of October week after next Sa5 
        • If we can send a proposal in resoensponse   the LS  S5.214514 before 11th Sept it can then be forwarded to OP meeting to look at 
      • This suggest we have a target to hit whcih will help drive us to a conclusion.
      • Dave summarized
        • Participant agreement to ensure inbound IPR is clean.
        • Pr opals needs to be written and process needs  to be clear.
        • Will be more difficult if there are standard alone documents. 
        • Thomas reviewed the prior TMF 3GPP Five mobile cooperation.
          • Worked on temporary docs as contributions to joint meetings. 
          • Temporary doc were created by member company  or a leader contribution as imput for discusion 
          • Never published temporary documents  as approved or agreed 
          • Infornal gentleman's agreement was that when the temp doc okay they took the document back to both SA5 and TM Forum 
          • No other formal publications other than SA5 TM Forum publications
          • technical content aligned but not identical text 
          • Could be that for MSDO that  document remain on workspace, and we could choose not to publish 
          • Anything which is a contribution my have an IPR issue
          • Assisted by saving members working in both organisations
      • Operation procedure mode of working
        • Seems we need some operational procedures in place we could indicate whether we openly publish 
        • Thomas noted for example if  joint work  compared  SDO definitions of say AN. then if  f someone wanted to propose a comprise definitno then you have created something new and may have IPrRissue 
      • Timeline discussion
        • Ideal if TM Forum to get draft IPR /PA and Copytorght and licenede  agreement out by 1st Oct with a view to getting into SA5'.s next meeting on 19th Sept
        • Need an  operational practice agreement for MSDO  meting on the 27th 
      • Ranganai mentioned that objective of MSDO  proposal is about consuming joint paper work whereas prior work in Fix Mobile was more about creating the standards. 

Benfit of MSDO proposal is that it cpatures teh topics but not reuire every SDO to participate in each deliverable. 

  • Thomas agreed that have an operational guideline would be helpful but may still have IPR issues.
  • Andrea  Any content make sure what is in the text is licenced with correct attribute and reference.  does affect the turn around licnece which is really to enures everything in the paper is correctly licenced. May need some leagal support whilst draft 

  • Next steps
    • Formal draft to SDO by 1st Oct Action with TM Forum
    • Operating gudie for the MSDO call on the 27th   
    • Need to have some dialogue about publication of the joint document taking note of the process used by Fixed Mobile convergence project between TMF orum and 3GPP
    • Need to take account of IEEE needs for publishing second White paper 
  • IEEE are planning to reply to the Letter of Intent  recommendatonsNext steps

Action List


Next Meeting details
