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TM Forum Collaboration projects have been set up so they are consistent across all projects. 


The top navigation bar has the following options:


Use this option to navigate between spaces that you have access to. The drop down shows you recent spaces that you have visited as well as access the full space directory


Navigate between discussion Forums across all your projects that you are a member of


View other users of Confluence


Use this option to view and ask us a question. Our FAQs are listed here as well


Use this option to create new Confluence pages and content




Use this option to edit a page that you permission to edit


You can use this option to set up your notifications


You can share page content with others. Note: that in order to access a page you share the person receiving the share must also have access to the project


Use this menu to access a range of Tools including Page History, Attachments, Restrictions (Permissions), Export options.


All TM Forum Projects have space short cuts, which are shown in the upper left menu column as well as a standard menu bar on the project home pages: 

  • Project Charter - links to the current charter for this project. All TM Forum projects operate under a charter that outlines the work they will complete during a project cycle (typically 6 months).  Find out more
  • Discussions - Project teams create and discuss relevant topics in a collaborative, online environment. Find out more
  • Calendar - Project teams meet on a regular basis and receive meeting invitations for specific topics.  Find out more
  • Project Members - a listing of Project Leaders, TM Forum Staff and Project Members. Find out more
  • Contributions - formal contributions made to the project from project team members. You can also add Contributions. Find out more
  • Feedback - this is were feedback on deliverables created by the project team is made available. Feedback may take several forms from simple change requests to significant new pieces of work. You can also add feedback. Find out more
  • Meeting notes - this is where written minutes of meetings are stored and actions are assigned to project team members
  • Getting started - links through to our Help and Support section - where you are now!
  • Announcements - Project Leaders can post news and make announcements to the project team regarding upcoming events, Catalysts and deliverable deadlines


Page Tree

Underneath the Shortcuts you will find the page tree which you can use for navigating around the space.

See also:



Button Hyperlink
titleNext: Managing Notifications