Versions Compared


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  • Introduction
    • Meeting is a formal meeting between SDO representatives
    • Record of attendees made and listed above. 
  • Permission to record
    • Request to record made - granted  recording attached above. 
  • Agenda review and location of input contributions.
  • IPR proposal for joint work items:
    • Overview
      • Goal is to create a copyright and  license agreement for jointly produced works i.e. White papers as proposed in the work packages. ( Not intended to cover LoI see later).
      • Agreement is we to make this a per deliverable work package agreement  rather than an multi SDO comprehensive liaison agreement. Reason is not all SDO may contribute to all WP so make is simpler and quicker to set up. 
      • Proposal to convene a SDO  legal team meeting In first or second week of September.
      • This was generally applauded and noted that the legal agreement might have an impact on what goes in the Work package results.
      • Noted we will need to give the legal representative some scope statement of what we are trying to achieve i.e creating work package outputs that take in SDO member agreed documents carrying out some analysis and critique with observations and recommendations ( i.e not creating standards or being a SDO).
      • AP Dave Milham will send out letter of invitation to the Formal SDO representative for the legal representatives meeting
      • Noted that the IPR arrangement for Letter of Intent (LoI) should be handled separately as this more like statement of direction ( like press release)
      • Agreement that we need to progress both the Letter of Intent and the legal discussion for work package output concurrently. However, we probable probably need to agree the LoI before finalizing the WP  outputs.
  • Feedback on Letter of Intent (formerly MoU)
    • LoI announcement of work  
      • Noted that some confusion over scope of work proposed. 
      • Need to set a deadline for initial comments.  
      • Suggestion is 6th Sept, so that we can start to process comments and update the proposal in response to feedback. 
      • Noted that current version is open to interpretation and could be thought of as setting up a new SDO and developing concrete specifications.
      • Agreed that this was not the intention - The goals of  WPs are analysis of  current situation and provide a report on issues and possible harmonization resolution . e.g convergence of AN Levels definitions.
      • Really important to clarify scope of work and deliverable outputs. 
    • Agreements needed to share, review and approve the Joint White Paper. 
      • Need comments on the LoI by 6th September, so we can review and update the proposal.
      • Also important in a letter of intent to make sure that we set expectations accurately and not overpromise. I.e aim for simplicity and limited scope.
      • Press release is something we can decide separately after we have an agreed LoI
  • Overview /review of Work package progress
    • WP02 Joint WP addressing proposal in Roadmap and Landscape (Operational use caseWP02. Work Packages (WP)
      • WP04 Common operating principle
        •  Planning to come up with a white paper structure  on WP 04 will present the key elements on next call.
        • Not intending to disrupt normal SDO process -  two working groups in IEEE working on related materials which will be factored in.
        • Will highlight topics where there are gaps.
      • Topics Matrix Topic / SDO Matrix
        • Some confusion over the two SDO template 
        • The topics Matrix is the one to focus on.   
        • The secondary table  SDO Completed and Planned AN Activities Tables are related to the WP2 Landscape and Roadmap and  are something we can create as part of the analysis work by end of the month.
    • Administrative 
      • White Paper proposal based on topics table
        • Plan to put a proposal together for a WP that carries out a high level analysis of the Topics / SDO Matrix 
        • Need to make sure that the analysis pages are separate from the factual Topics/SDO Matrix
      • Review /agree meeting schedule proposal Multi-SDO AN Meeting Schedules
        • Reviewed meeting schedule
          • Will add an formal  IPR Legal meeting in either first of second week of September.
          • Meeting currently scheduled 18th Oct clashes with 3GPP meting agreed to reschedule to  4th Oct.
      • Reorganize joint working area
        • Some feedback about having some pages that are publicly visible in order to encourage participation.
        • Proposal is make the root page public visible with enough information that interested parties can we the scope of what is being investigated how to engage and overview of meetings.
        • However we will need to mark which pages are Public and which  are Private so that people are clear about visibility of what they are posting. 
    • AOB

Action List

Current Call

  •  AP Dave Milham will send out letter of invitation to the Formal SDO representative for the legal representatives meeting
  •  AP ALL SDO to ensure that the Topic / SDO Matrix  is updated for AN Levels material by end August.
