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Table of Contents

Project Discussions are used by project teams to create and discuss relevant topics in a collaborative, online environment.  All Collaboration projects have a Discussions listing page.  


It is important to note that project discussions are different from announcements.  A project discussion post has the expectation of dialogue and collaboration.  An project  A project announcement is information that is relevant to the project team, but the poster does not expect to get replies or have a dialogue about the post.

TM Forum also has community discussions, which are used by TM Forum Members and Non-Members to have conversations with and learn from their peers in the industry. This is where TM Forum users come together to share thoughts and ideas on topics that matter most to your company and to you personally. Typically, more general discussion occurs at the community level. 

Get engaged


A nice way to get engaged in a project is to find the Welcome to new project members, please introduce yourself Discussion Forum and create a Topic titled "About [Your First Name, Last Name, Title, Company] "  and write a little about yourself and why you joined the project.  All Collaboration projects have the Welcome to new project members Discussion Forum.  


Introducing yourself and reading about other members is a great way to get to know your other project members.  On the Discussions page for a project, click on the "Welcome to new project members" link.


Managing project forums and discussions


Project Leaders can create new Discussion Forums for those topics that merit their own Forums. 

Click on the Add Discussion Forum button on the Discussions listing page.  

The Forum Title should relate to the topic the project team wants to discussion.  Choose the Default Configuration, click Next.  Click Create.
