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Available TELUS Services

TELUS is providing three services for the 2017 TM Forum Open Hack, allowing you to create robust applications with a subset of the features available on the TELUS network. These services will allow you to:

  1. Get Get Terminal Location Service
  2. SMS Send SMS Service
  3. Get SMS Delivery Status Service



These TELUS services allow you to create applications using features on the TELUS network. They work only on TELUS phone numbers, where the phone owner has authorized it.


Using the Services

During To use these services (and many others that we have available) outside of the TM Forum Open Hack , you can sign-up on the TELUS Partner Portal. We then work closely with our registered partners to help them to responsibly consume our services.

Partners will receive a set of SSL certificates to use with their application and a set of credentials. The services can only be used on phone numbers where the owner has granted the application permission to use these services with their number. TELUS will help Partners to whitelist phone numbers where the owner has agreed to grant the application permission. This stringent authorization process is important to guarantee that the privacy of our Customers is protected.

For the purposes of the TM Forum Open Hack event, we have pre-provisioned some SSL certificates and credentials. Please contact a TELUS representative at the event to get certificates and credentials for your application to use. Alternatively, these services have also been exposed as REST services by IBM in Bluemix for you to use, where no certificates or credentials are required.


Get Terminal Location Service


event, we are exposing these APIs through the IBM Bluemix platform as REST services. You will be using a pre-registered set of credentials, so ensure the following HTTP Header is set for all your REST calls:

X-IBM-Client-Id: c466530c-8489-4353-8cac-6c0babe8ff40




Get Location Service

This The Terminal Location API allows you to look up the location of a cell phone by its device by it's mobile phone number in your application. This location service strictly uses TELUS network triangulation to determine the GPS location . This means it is generally less accurate but will work in situations where GPS is not available (like in a basement) and is also able to report the last known location if the device cannot be found (which you cannot do with GPS).

REST Request

IBM has exposed our service for you so that for the Open Hack event you do not need to worry about SSL Certs within your application. If you go to the below link, you can see information about the API, examples on how to use it in various languages, and can even perform test operations from within the page.

SOAP Request

You can use this service by sending a SOAP request with the following format:

    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:loc="">


loc:address -  The telephone number to find the location of

loc:requestedAccuracy -  The accuracy you would like on that location in meters

loc:acceptableAccuracy -  Location accuracy must be within this number of meters

Depending on the accuracy that you specify, different technologies will be used. Lower accuracy will take less time to ascertain.

 Type of Reading
Best Case 
Worst Case 
High Accuracy (<1000m)20 seconds50 seconds
Low Accuracy (>1000m)8 seconds20 seconds

We suggest using an accuracy level of 5000m or greater in order to get fast responses.

 SOAP Response

The response you receive will look something like this:

    <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
            <ns2:getLocationResponse xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:ns3="">

 latitude, longitude: Coordinates where the subscriber is located

altitude: The subscribers elevation

accuracy: how accurate the location result is in meters

timestamp: the time at which the subscribers location was found

 Error Messages

Errors that you may see in querying the terminal location:

SVC0001 (generic service exception): There was an error with the service

SVC0002 (An invalid input value): Something in your request input was invalid

SVC0200 (accuracy of location is not within acceptable limit): The location that was found is less accurate than the acceptable accuracy level specified in your request

L101 (Unauthorized Application): Your application is not allowed to use this service

POL0001 (Policy Error Occurred): Policy Error

POL0002 (Privacy Error): The queried number is not whitelisted for your application

POL0006 (Groups Not Allowed): This API can only be used to look up a single subscriber at a time, and will not work on groups

POL0230 (Requested accuracy not supported): The requested accuracy specified in your request is not supported 

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Send SMS SOAP Service


The SMS API allows you to send SMS messages through your application. While there are other services (like Twilio or, for TELUS customers, sending an email to <phone#> that allow you to send SMS messages with fewer restrictions, those services have limitations in terms of the kind of content that can be sent and the frequency of content being sent. With this particular TELUS Send SMS service, there are no restrictions on content or frequency; it also allows for billing via SMS. As such, this service is most useful for premium SMS services.


REST Request

IBM has exposed our service for you so that for the Open Hack event you do not need to worry about SSL Certs within your application. If you go to the below link, you can see information about the API, examples on how to use it in various languages, and can even perform test operations from within the page.

SOAP Request

You can use this service by sending a SOAP request with the following format:

    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:loc="">
                <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
                <loc:message>Message 1 on 12-01-2012</loc:message>
                <!-- Optional -->

loc:address -  Telephone number of the subscriber. You can send a message to up to 10 subscribers in a single request.

loc:senderName -  Short code or name that you want the subscriber to see as being the sender. Leave this blank for now; normally you would register a name with TELUS to use this.

loc:message -  Message body that you want to send 

loc:receiptRequest -  Optional, request that the service send you a delivery receipt

    endpoint -  The URL to which to send the delivery receipt

    interfaceName -  Optional, name of your interface

    correlator - ID used to track this SMS message


The response you receive will look something like this:

    <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
            <ns2:sendSmsResponse xmlns:ns2= xmlns:ns3="">

result -  String reference that can be used to retrieve additional message delivery information from getSmsDeliveryStatus method, detailed below.

Delivery Receipt

And if you asked for a delivery receipt, you will also get the following response when delivery is confirmed:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
            <ns2:notifySmsDeliveryReceipt xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:ns3="">

correlator -  Matches the correlator value specified in your receiptRequest

address -  Phone number that the message was sent to

deliveryStatus -  Status of the message, indicating whether your target was confirmed to have received the message or not

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Get SMS Delivery Status SOAP Service

This service is to be used in conjunction with the Send SMS service above. If you want to get further information out of your response from the Send SMS service, you can use the getSMSDeliveryStatus method.

REST Request

IBM has exposed our service for you so that for the Open Hack event you do not need to worry about SSL Certs within your application. If you go to the below link, you can see information about the API, examples on how to use it in various languages, and can even perform test operations from within the page.

SOAP Request

< soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv = ""
    < soapenv:Header />
    < soapenv:Body >
       < loc:getSmsDeliveryStatus >
          < loc:requestIdentifier >267417690</ loc:requestIdentifier >
       </ loc:getSmsDeliveryStatus >
    </ soapenv:Body >
</ soapenv:Envelope >
requestIdentifier -  Matches the result value from a previous send SMS response

SOAP Response

Then, the response will look like this:
< soap:Envelope xmlns:soap = "" >
    < soap:Body >
       < ns2:getSmsDeliveryStatusResponse xmlns:ns2 = ""
        xmlns:ns3 = "" >
          < ns2:result >
             < address >tel:16048183614</ address >
             < deliveryStatus >DeliveredToTerminal</ deliveryStatus >
          </ ns2:result >
       </ ns2:getSmsDeliveryStatusResponse >
    </ soap:Body >
</ soap:Envelope >
This looks a lot like the delivery receipt, except that there is no correlator.

of a device. In the event the device is not powered on or out of service area, this service will return it's last known location. 



Where {address} is the phonue number of the device you want to locate. This service call is restricted and secured so that only whitelisted phone numbers can be accessed by a service account. For the purpose of this Open Hack event, you can use any of the the following test numbers:

  • 6045550000
  • 6045550001
  • 6045550002
  • 6045550003
  • 6045550004
  • 4165550000
  • 4165550001
  • 4165550002
  • 4165550003
  • 4165550004


The response is a JSON object with the following attributes: 

addressThe device phone number
timestampLast location timestamp
latitudeDevice network location latitude
longitudeDevice network location longitude
altitudeDevice network location altitude / elevation
accuracyDevice network location accuracy (in meters)


Sample Call

Sample Response

"address": "6045550000",
"timestamp": "Mon, 18 Sep 2017 03:39:36 +0000",
"latitude": "49.237774",
"longitude": "-123.017636",
"altitude": "22.0",
"accuracy": "182"


Error Messages

Client id is missingClient credentials are missing (HTTP header X-IBM-Client-Id is missing)
Client id not registeredClient credentials are invalid (invalid value for HTTP header X-IBM-Client-Id)
Missing terminal addressAddress / phone number parameter is missing
Terminal address not authorizedAddress / phone number is not whitelisted for use by your application




Send SMS Service

This service allows you to send an SMS message through your application. For the TM Forum Open Hack, this service is sandboxed for security purposes. You can send an SMS to the test numbers (6045550000, 6045550001), or to your own number. Please contact a TELUS representative to whitelist your number.



The post body is a JSON formatted object with 2 parameters:


addressThe destination phone number (6045550000, 6045550001, or your own whitelisted number)
messageThe SMS message to deliver, up to a maximum length of 1000 characters



The response is a JSON object containing the correlator, a unique identifer that you can use to look up the message delivery status at a later time. 

Sample Call

"address": "6045550000",
"message": "Sample SMS message"

Sample Response

"correlator": 90050000

Error Messages

Client id is missingClient credentials are missing (HTTP header X-IBM-Client-Id is missing)
Client id not registeredClient credentials are invalid (invalid value for HTTP header X-IBM-Client-Id)
Missing recipient addressAddress / phone number parameter is missing
Invalid recipient addressAddress / phone number is invalid, or not allowed
Message exceeds 1000 charactersMessage body is too long (exceeds 1000 characters)



Get SMS Delivery Status

This service is to be used to retrieve the delivery status of a message you previously sent.



Where {correlator} is the correlator ID returned from a successful SMS delivery API call.


The response is a JSON object with the following attributes: 

addressThe phone number number the message was delivered to
deliveryStatusThe status of the SMS (DeliveredToTerminal or Queued)


Sample Call

Sample Response

    "address": "6045550000",
    "deliveryStatus": "DeliveredToTerminal"

Error Messages

Client id is missingClient credentials are missing (HTTP header X-IBM-Client-Id is missing)
Client id not registeredClient credentials are invalid (invalid value for HTTP header X-IBM-Client-Id)
Missing correlator IDCorrelator parameter is missing
Invalid correlatorCorrelator ID is invalid or was not sent by your application
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Missing recipient address
Address / phone number parameter is missingInvalid recipient addressAddress / phone number is invalid, or not allowedMessage exceeds 1000 charactersMessage body is too long
