

ZOOM record

NameUser email
Klaus Moschner[email protected]
Dave Milham[email protected]
Yuval Stein
Thomas Tovinger (Ericsson# 3GPP SA5 chair)
Maryse Gardella
Luigi Licciardi lwx426782
Kevin McDonnell[email protected]
Maryse Gardella
Luigi Licciardi lwx426782
Thomas Tovinger (Ericsson# 3GPP SA5 chair)
Kevin McDonnell (Huawei) (Kevin McDonnell)[email protected]
Raymond Forbes rwx651084
Magnus Buhrgard[email protected]
Orange# J-M Cornily
Ishan Vaishnavi
Nurit Sprecher
klaus-Martiny (Deutsche Telekom)
Li Hui l00246889
Zhengguangying(Huawei) (Zhengguangying z00602013)
Li Hui (huawei) (Li Hui l00246889)
CMCC Community[email protected]
Wong# Leon | Leon | RMI[email protected]
Taka. Nakamura
Anatoly (Nokia)



14:00 -15:00 BST

15:00 - 16:00 CET


Input Material

Incoming contributions

Meeting Agenda

Call for IPR Declaration – IPR Statements for Use in Meetings

Meeting Type

Open Informational Meeting

IPR Claims


Topic: Dave Milham's Personal Meeting Room
Date: Jun 28, 2021 02:01 PM London

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Meeting notes

  • NOT Fully Curated 
  • A
  • Permission to record.
    • Requested and granted 
  • Introduction
    • Roll call  - attendees listed above 
    • Notified attendees that this is an open meeting with no IPR protection.
  • Agenda review and location of input contributions.
  • Report of AN SDO formal meeting:  meeting notes at: 2021-06-21 M-SDO AN Formal Liaison Meeting notes #7 - AN-SDO Collaboration - TM Forum Confluence
    • Letter of Intent: Autonomous Networks Multi-SDO Initiative
      • This Letter of Intent (LoI)  was proposed to the formal group as a possible way to publicize  joint work .
      • Primary goal was to be able to announce commencement of Joint work and give and initial scope. 
      • It was discussed in conjunction with example of the work outlined in contribution MSDO-5  describing WP02  so as to provide context to the LoI notion.
      • Actions to revise and distribute LoI to SDO has been done . Request was to solicit what each SDO would need to do to be able to agree to this Letter of Intent.
      • Thomas Tovinger  SA 5 stated that SA5 had reviewed and their opinion was that they would ne SA approval ( 3GPP is a Contractual Partnership  agreement between supporting SDO) and the next Meeting was in Sept 2021 where there may be feedback and comment . SA5 will liaison this information back formally.
      • Dave Milham mentioned that he is progressing action at the Formal Meeting on an IPR framework for the Collaborative work with TM Forum Lawyer . Options go fro common agreement across 10 SDO (hard and time-consuming); to per joint deliverable agreements which is more focused and easier as only those contributing need to agree One suggested option could be  Creative Commons 4 . But plan is prepare a short list of options for discussion on the Formal meting calls   
  • Progress on WP
    • WP 02 Autonomous Network Roadmap and Landscape: (Operations Focus) MSD02  and tables Topic / SDO Matrix and
      SDO Completed and Planned AN Activities Tables
      • Reviewed  MSDO-5  proposal for structure of  document from TM Forum.
      • Much of the paper could be constructed form contribution in previous meeting and by use of the table  Topic / SDO Matrix and
        SDO Completed and Planned AN Activities Tables  to support operational use cases from CM in WP02 .
      • Need to get input on Completed and planned AN activities with solely a focus on the operational use cases. 
      • Analysis and recommendations  would need joint agreement between contributors hence need for some IPR coverage.
      • TM Forum  plans to put up a working page with sample material following the structure in MSDO-5.
      • Thma menetonte that 3GPP still have some question about completing the tables using the templates.
      • AP Dave Milham will coordinate with SA5 to resolve those outstanding table template questions.
    • WP04 Common Operating Principles
      • Deferred as IEEE representative unavailable. 
  • AOB
    • Discuss of what part of the AN-SDO working area could be opened up to anonymous read-only access.
    • Current set up is based on current approach of minimal registration l and putting participants on an group access list and a email.
    • Nurit mentioned that other groups such as ETSI do allow anonymous read only access to approved working drafts and final documents.
    • Dave comment we aren't as yet at the point of having agreed drafts or final document but it was something to review and provide a solution.
    • AP Dave Milham will speak to IT support about options for making some MSDO team approved documents publicly visible to anonymous access.

Action Points


  • AP Dave Milham will coordinate with SA5 to resolve those outstanding table template  questions.
  • AP Dave Milham will speak to IT support about options for making some MSDO team approved documents publicly visible to anonymous access.


  • Agreed we need a completed snapshot before 21st June, so we can present as part of the input to the Formal MSDO meeting 21st June.
  • AP Dave Milhamsend email remainder to organization that have yet to provide input and outline the Process for Submission.
  • AP Kevin McDonnell Dave Milham Provide proposal on how use cases can be used to drive the analysis of the Document data capture results.
  • AP Dave Milhamupdate the Deliverable Table proposal and the working tables.
  • AP Dave Milham  send out notification when Deliverable tables  are ready for completion. 

  • AP Ranganai Chaparadza Dave Milham Look at possible White Paper Proposals to augment proposal below
  • AP  Dave MilhamKevin McDonnell Propose  draft Joint white paper structure covering Landscape and roadmap, User Stories, Operational principles and analysis for discussion on  next call   

Next Meeting details

Scheduled Date:        28th June 2021 see   Multi-SDO AN Meeting Schedules - AN-SDO Collaboration - TM Forum Confluence

Link to Project Calendar:

Apologies for next  meeting: 

Requested topics for next meeting agenda:   IEEE proposal on Multi Layer Control , Abstraction and control loops


  1. AP Ranganai Chaparadza Dave Milham Look at possible White Paper Proposals to augment proposal below
    As discussed in the previous meeeting and previous discussions on Common Operationsl Principles for ANs, a structure of a White Paper  on "Towards Development of a Blueprint of Common Operational Principles for ANs" will be prepared and shared. IEEE will prepare the Draft structure
  2. Requested topics for next meeting agenda:   IEEE proposal on Multi Layer Autonomics & Control , Abstraction and control loops

    Noted: Sure, Muslim and Ranganai will engage colleagues in IEEE and make a presentation and steer discussions on the value of Multi-Layer Autonomics and associated Multi-Layer AI Algorithms, and Abstraction Levels for Self-Management functionality in a network architecture and its associated Management and Control Architecture

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