
Attendees not register on TM Forum Canvas

Zu Qiang, Bratislav Glozman,  Byon-woo-Jun EST , Georg Schweflinghaus, Hai Too Xie (Huawei),  Muddasar Ahmed (Mitre), Florian Bachman, Joerg Michael Aldstaedt (DTAG)


Input Material

Introductory Slides 

Session FilePresenters

Magnus Buhrgard
A General Implementation with Intent-based network in ONAP 

He Keguang China Mobile
Application Service Descriptor 

Marian Darula

Zu Qiang 
Byung Woo Jun EST

Meeting Agenda

7th Nov 2022 Two ONAP areas: 1) Intent Based Networks   2) Modelling and packaging of Network Functions for K8s (90 mins in total)

  • Short introduction to ONAP - Magnus Buhrgard (ONAP technical community coordinator for NW Mgmt)
  • A General Implementation with Intent-based network in ONAP – Keguang He, Chuanyu Chen
  • Application Service Descriptor (ASD) for K8s NFs – Marian Darula, with support from Byung Woo Jun and Zu Qiang

Call for IPR Declaration – IPR Statements for Use in Meetings

Call for IPR Declaration

The statements below are to be declared at the beginning of each Project meeting and/or Informational meeting.  Meetings can be conducted via conference calls, online webinar, or face-to-face. Select the appropriate statement for your meeting and minute the results.

  • Project Meetings (Open to Project Participants Only)

“This meeting is being conducted under the terms of IPR Mode RAND as defined in the By-laws Annex 1: Policy on Intellectual Property Rights.  All IPR should be declared.”

  • Cross-Project Meetings (Open to Eligible Persons Only: Eligible persons must be members of one or both projects in order to attend)

“This meeting is being conducted under the terms of IPR Mode RAND as defined in the By-laws Annex 1: Policy on Intellectual Property Rights.  All IPR should be declared.”

  • Informational Meetings (Open Meetings)

“This is an open information meeting in which no information or materials furnished or provided by the attendee shall constitute or contain intellectual property and will not be treated or protected as such.  All attendees understand and accept this statement.”

Meeting Type

IPR Claims


Session 2 only

Topic: AN -SDO Information exchange meeting: ONAP Presentations
Date: Nov 7, 2022 01:31 PM London

Meeting notes

  • key discussion points,
  • votes called for and results of same,
  • decisions/agreements made during the meeting
  • Actions (these can be captured using table)
  • Other items relevant to the meeting/activity.

Action List


Next Meeting details

Scheduled Date:        

Link to Project Calendar:

Apologies for next week’s meeting: 

Requested topics for next meeting agenda: 

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