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During the cycle of your project there will be key deliverables and milestones that need to be executed and some of those will require resources provided by TM Forum. This page is where all those resources will be continuously updated and uploaded, available to all project members.

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Bespoke project promotional resources & Participation Certificates

This area will be your main go-to on this page. It will contain the majority of the bespoke resources and information for your project. Open the kit below, find your project to access your unique resources. 

URNProject NameProject Web PageFeature imageSocial bannerLinkedIn postTwitter postTrailer videoInform articleParticipation Certificate 
C24.0.619Wholesale fibre broadband standardization https://www.tmforum.org/catalysts/projects/C24.0.619/Link to feature imageLink to social bannerLink to LinkedIn postLink to Twitter postLink to trailer videoLink to Inform article
C24.0.621WebAssembly canvas - Phase IIhttps://www.tmforum.org/catalysts/projects/C24.0.621/webassembly-canvas-phase-iiLink to feature imageLink to social bannerLink to LinkedIn postLink to Twitter postLink to trailer videoLink to Inform article
C24.0.622BiMa: Billing integration for marketplaces - Phase IIhttps://www.tmforum.org/catalysts/projects/C24.0.622/bima-billing-integration-for-marketplaces-phase-iiLink to feature imageLink to social banner

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C24.0.624CABOOM! Converged access B2B2C over ODA marketplace – Phase IIIhttps://www.tmforum.org/catalysts/projects/C24.0.624/Link to feature imageLink to social bannerLink to LinkedIn postLink to Twitter postLink to trailer videoLink to Inform article 
C24.0.625Holistic intelligence & GenAI to accelerate 5G monetizationhttps://www.tmforum.org/catalysts/projects/C24.0.625/business-driven-automation-enabled-by-360-observability-and-intelligenceLink to feature imageLink to social bannerLink to LinkedIn postLink to Twitter postLink to videoLink to Inform article

INNOVATION PIONEER PROJECT: Maximizing the value of TM Forum assets using AI and machine-readable models


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C24.0.628LOKI - LLM O&M Knowledge Integratorhttps://www.tmforum.org/catalysts/projects/C24.0.628/Link to feature imageLink to social bannerLink to LinkedIn postLink to Twitter postLink to video
C24.0.631Harnessing GenAI's business value for operations transformationhttps://www.tmforum.org/catalysts/projects/C24.0.631/Link to feature imageLink to social bannerLink to LinkedIn postLink to Twitter postLink to trailer video
C24.0.632Autonomous CEI for zero-touch 5G and wifi networks - Phase IVhttps://www.tmforum.org/catalysts/projects/C24.0.632/autonomous-cei-for-zerotouch-5g-and-wifi-networks-phase-ivLink to feature imageLink to social bannerLink to LinkedIn postLink to Twitter postLink to trailer videoLink to Inform article
C24.0.636Incident co-pilothttps://www.tmforum.org/catalysts/projects/C24.0.636/incident-copilotLink to feature imageLink to social bannerLink to LinkedIn postLink to Twitter post
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C24.0.637Cellular to satellite communicationhttps://www.tmforum.org/catalysts/projects/C24.0.637/cellular-to-satellite-communicationLink to feature imageLink to social bannerLink to LinkedIn postLink to Twitter postLink to trailer videoLink to Inform article
C24.0.638Intent-driven slice management in autonomous network - Phase IVhttps://www.tmforum.org/catalysts/projects/C24.0.638/intentdriven-slice-management-in-autonomous-network-phase-ivLink to feature imageLink to social bannerLink to LinkedIn postLink to Twitter postLink to trailer videoLink to Inform articles
C24.0.641Large language models accelerate innovation and intelligent transformationhttps://www.tmforum.org/catalysts/projects/C24.0.641Link to feature imageLink to social bannerLink to LinkedIn postLink to Twitter post

C24.0.642Unlock conversational data insights: Automating virtual agenthttps://www.tmforum.org/catalysts/projects/C24.0.642/Link to feature imageLink to social bannerLink to LinkedIn postLink to Twitter post

C24.0.643AI-driven product configuration and provisionhttps://www.tmforum.org/catalysts/projects/C24.0.643/Link to feature imageLink to social bannerLink to LinkedIn postLink to Twitter postLink to trailer video
C24.0.646Unleash 5G monetization with autonomous operationshttps://www.tmforum.org/catalysts/projects/C24.0.646/unleash-5g-monetization-with-autonomous-operationsLink to feature imageLink to social bannerLink to LinkedIn postLink to Twitter post

C24.0.648GenAI Powered toolkit for network & service managementhttps://www.tmforum.org/catalysts/projects/C24.0.648/generative-aibased-digital-toolkit-for-network-and-service-discovery-and-intent-based-service-orchestrationLink to feature imageLink to social bannerLink to LinkedIn postLink to Twitter postLink to trailer videoLink to Inform article
C24.0.650Realtime intelligent customer experienceshttps://www.tmforum.org/catalysts/projects/C24.0.650/realtime-datadriven-ecosystem-for-growthLink to feature imageLink to social bannerLink to LinkedIn postLink to Twitter postLink to trailer videoLink to Inform article
C24.0.651Autonomous networks hyperloops - Phase Vhttps://www.tmforum.org/catalysts/projects/C24.0.651/autonomous-networks-hyperloops-phase-vLink to feature imageLink to social bannerLink to LinkedIn postLink to Twitter postLink to trailer videoLink to Inform article
C24.0.652Data-to-NPS: Boosting NPS using decision intelligencehttps://www.tmforum.org/catalysts/projects/C24.0.652/Link to feature imageLink to social bannerLink to LinkedIn postLink to Twitter postLink to trailer videoLink to Inform article
C24.0.654AI-driven offer lifecycle managementhttps://www.tmforum.org/catalysts/projects/C24.0.654Link to feature imageLink to social bannerLink to LinkedIn postLink to Twitter postLink to trailer videoLink to Inform article
C24.0.655Elastic network ensures reliable experiencehttps://www.tmforum.org/catalysts/projects/C24.0.655Link to feature imageLink to social bannerLink to LinkedIn postLink to Twitter post

C24.0.658GenAI Hyperautomation for Customer and Business Operationshttps://www.tmforum.org/catalysts/projects/C24.0.658/governance-practice-for-multiple-heterogeneous-it-system-architecture-of-largescale-group-companyLink to feature imageLink to social bannerLink to LinkedIn postLink to Twitter post

C24.0.663Transforming Techco landscape through open digital experience to achieve sustainable business growthhttps://www.tmforum.org/catalysts/projects/C24.0.663/elevate-digital-experience-through-foundation-models-mindset-to-achieve-sustainable-business-growthLink to feature imageLink to social bannerLink to LinkedIn postLink to Twitter post
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C24.0.664ReNOVATE AI: Rejuvenating network build and operations through AIhttps://www.tmforum.org/catalysts/projects/C24.0.664/network-ai-ops-transforming-telco-network-operationsLink to feature imageLink to social bannerLink to LinkedIn postLink to Twitter post
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C24.0.667Accelerating cognitive growth on WISE investmenthttps://www.tmforum.org/catalysts/projects/C24.0.667/cognitive-intelligence-enables-wise-investment-for-sustainable-growthLink to feature imageLink to social bannerLink to LinkedIn postLink to Twitter postLink to trailer videoLink to Inform articleCatalyst Awards Participation Certificates_C24.0.667.pdf
C24.0.672AI agent empowering higher autonomous levelhttps://www.tmforum.org/catalysts/projects/C24.0.672/intentdriven-empower-autonomous-networkLink to feature imageLink to social bannerLink to LinkedIn postLink to Twitter postLink to trailer videoLink to Inform article
C24.0.673AI for customer perception network optimizationhttps://www.tmforum.org/catalysts/projects/C24.0.673/Link to feature imageLink to social bannerLink to LinkedIn postLink to Twitter post

C24.0.678Beyond chatbots – Revolutionizing telecom with advanced generative AIhttps://www.tmforum.org/catalysts/projects/C24.0.678/beyond-chatbots-revolutionizing-telecom-with-advanced-generative-ai Link to feature imageLink to social bannerLink to LinkedIn postLink to Twitter postLink to trailer videoLink to Inform article
C24.0.683SATCOM + 5G anywhere - Phase IIhttps://www.tmforum.org/catalysts/projects/C24.0.683/Link to feature imageLink to social bannerLink to LinkedIn postLink to Twitter post
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Technician as a salesman: Chat activation journey

https://www.tmforum.org/catalysts/projects/C24.0.688/telecom-onboarding-process-driven-completely-by-ai-and-nlp-use-case-technician-as-a-salesmanLink to feature imageLink to social bannerLink to LinkedIn postLink to Twitter postLink to trailer videoLink to Inform article
C24.0.693DarkNOC: GenAI propels insights driven NetOpshttps://www.tmforum.org/catalysts/projects/C24.0.693/Link to feature imageLink to social bannerLink to LinkedIn postLink to Twitter postLink to trailer videoLink to Inform article
C24.0.694Interoperable logical resource management platformhttps://www.tmforum.org/catalysts/projects/C24.0.694/Link to feature imageLink to social bannerLink to LinkedIn postLink to Twitter postLink to trailer videoLink to Inform article
C24.0.700Sustainable and autonomous IOT ecosystems https://www.tmforum.org/catalysts/projects/C24.0.700/sustainable-and-autonomous-iot-ecosystemsLink to feature imageLink to social bannerLink to LinkedIn postLink to Twitter postLink to trailer videoLink to inform article
C24.0.705GenAI empowers computing force networkhttps://www.tmforum.org/catalysts/projects/C24.0.705/Link to feature imageLink to social bannerLink to LinkedIn postLink to Twitter postLink to trailer videoLink to Inform article
C24.0.710DBM: Securing the supply chain - Phase VIIhttps://www.tmforum.org/catalysts/projects/C24.0.710/dbm-securing-the-supply-chain-phase-viiLink to feature imageLink to social bannerLink to LinkedIn postLink to Twitter postLink to trailer videoLink to Inform article

URNProject NameProject Web PageFeature imageSocial bannerLinkedIn postTwitter postTrailer videoInform articleParticipation Certificate 
M24.0.620Mighty Minions: Unleashing domain-specific GenAI via SLMshttps://www.tmforum.org/catalysts/projects/M24.0.620/Link to feature imageLink to social bannerLink to LinkedIn postLink to Twitter postLink to trailer videoLink to Inform article

Sustainability telco by green network evolution - Phase II

https://www.tmforum.org/catalysts/projects/M24.0.629/sustainability-telco-by-green-network-evolutionLink to feature imageLink to social bannerLink to LinkedIn postLink to Twitter post


GenAI genie redefines CX

https://www.tmforum.org/catalysts/projects/M24.0.634/genai-genie-redefines-cxLink to feature imageLink to social bannerLink to LinkedIn postLink to Twitter postLink to trailer videoLink to Inform article
M24.0.644DataFusion enables smart mobilityhttps://www.tmforum.org/catalysts/projects/M24.0.644/Link to feature imageLink to social bannerLink to LinkedIn postLink to Twitter postLink to video
M24.0.659GenAI powered language agnostic business operationshttps://www.tmforum.org/catalysts/projects/M24.0.659Link to feature imageLink to social bannerLink to LinkedIn postLink to Twitter postLink to trailer videoLink to Inform article
M24.0.665AI Smart CapEx for green and efficient network investmentshttps://www.tmforum.org/catalysts/projects/M24.0.665/Link to feature imageLink to social bannerLink to LinkedIn postLink to Twitter postLink to trailer videoLink to Inform article
M24.0.676GenAI for ANhttps://www.tmforum.org/catalysts/projects/M24.0.676/genai-for-anLink to feature imageLink to social bannerLink to LinkedIn postLink to Twitter post
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M24.0.679Sustainable live streaminghttps://www.tmforum.org/catalysts/projects/M24.0.679/Link to feature imageLink to social bannerLink to LinkedIn postLink to Twitter postLink to trailer videoLink to Inform article
M24.0.698Responsible AI - Phase IIhttps://www.tmforum.org/catalysts/projects/M24.0.698/responsible-aiLink to feature imageLink to social bannerLink to LinkedIn postLink to Twitter post
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M24.0.699AI-Powered sustainable smart farminghttps://www.tmforum.org/catalysts/projects/C24.0.699/aipowered-sustainable-smart-farmingLink to feature imageLink to social bannerLink to LinkedIn postLink to Twitter postLink to trailer videoLink to Inform article
M24.0.701AI-powered fraud defense: Turning vulnerability into profitability https://www.tmforum.org/catalysts/projects/M24.0.701/Link to feature imageLink to social bannerLink to LinkedIn postLink to Twitter post
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M24.0.707Network service monetization through standardized APIs - Phase IIIhttps://www.tmforum.org/catalysts/projects/M24.0.707/network-service-monetization-through-standardized-apis-phase-iiiLink to feature imageLink to social bannerLink to LinkedIn postLink to Twitter post
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M24.0.708AI-driven EBITDA mastery: Revolutionizing customer journeyshttps://www.tmforum.org/catalysts/projects/M24.0.708Link to feature imageLink to social bannerLink to LinkedIn postLink to Twitter postLink to trailer videoLink to Inform article
M24.0.709SmartHive xGhttps://www.tmforum.org/catalysts/projects/M24.0.709/costeffective-5g-use-cases-for-a-green-field-deployment-to-colombo-port-cityLink to feature imageLink to social bannerLink to LinkedIn postLink to Twitter postLink to trailer video
M24.0.713AI chat agent: The game-changer for telecomshttps://www.tmforum.org/catalysts/projects/M24.0.713/the-new-way-to-reach-future-customers-ai-chatbots-are-the-gamechanger-for-telecomsLink to feature imageLink to social bannerLink to LinkedIn postLink to Twitter postLink to trailer video

General Catalyst promotion resources


General use Catalyst slide deck


Catalyst Arena slide deck - for use on Arena stage at DTW24 - Ignite

Speaking for your Catalyst for your Trailer Video? Check out our guidlines here

Whitepaper template

Download the TM Forum Word template for documents or whitepapers here: