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Catalyst Team Awards recognize achievements in igniting industry innovation, collaboration, and growth through their proof-of-concepts. This page will break down the full awards cycle including judging, awards categories and post event award communications. 

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This year we will have two sets of Catalyst Awards  "Open Innovation Catalyst Awards",& 'Moonshot Catalyst Awards' to recognize the projects' which demonstrate excellence in their respective categories.

The Open The Open Innovation Catalyst Awards recognize Catalysts that address the key industry challenges through the most engaging, innovative & impactful solutions. All Open Innovation Catalyst teams are eligible for these award categories (i.e. Catalysts with URNs -

The Moonshot Catalyst Awards recognize Catalysts working to solve the Moonshot Challenges by offering ground-breaking and commercially viable technology solutions to the key industry challenges in the most interactive way. All Moonshot Catalyst teams (i.e. Catalysts with URNs - are eligible for the award category of their respective challenge 

Table of Contents

1. Open Innovation Catalyst Awards (Categories/Criteria)

2. Moonshot Catalyst Awards (Categories/Criteria)


3. Guidelines & Judging Process


  • Catalyst teams will be Judged based on 3 aspects:-
    • Awards Submission Forms : Teams fill in a Awards submission form (goes live in April & May) sharing the Award categories they wish to compete, along with the rationale or proof points backing their submissions. Awards submission forms will be accessible through an awardforce platform. Each Catalyst team will be allocated a common Username and Password to access the Awards portal and for submitting their Awards Submission Forms. Judges will be reviewing this pre-event. 
    • Catalyst project Webpages: Each Catalyst project is given a webpage to maintain with their resources / documents / videos etc detailing about their project. This webpage is public facing, so kindly ensure it is updated with all the requisite information. Judges will be reviewing this pre-event.  
    • Catalyst Showcase at Kiosks : At the event onsite, Judges will be visiting teams at their kiosk for their demonstrations & showcase. Judges will be reviewing this at DTW event (on Day1). Note: The Judges' pitches at kiosk is seperate to the Teams' presentations on stage. 

Overview of Judging Process (Applicable for both Open Innovation & Moonshot awards, unless specified): 

  • Each Catalyst will be allocated a panel of 3-4 Judges to review and score the team by assessing the mentioned 3 aspects.
  • Each Judge will be allocated no more than 6 Catalyst teams.
  • To score the allocated teams, Judges will review:
    • Awards Submission form entries (pre-read)
    • Catalyst spaces/URL/resources shared on spaces etc (pre-read)
    • Onsite team interactions/demos at their booths (onsite)
  • Teams are required to submit the Awards submission forms.
  • Open Innovation Catalysts can select up to 3 Categories (except the default categories).
  • Moonshot Catalysts will select the category corresponding to their challenge.
  • Each Catalyst team will be allocated a common Username and Password to access the Awards portal and for submitting their Awards Submission Forms.
  • Each Judge (including the executive judges for Moonshot Catalyst) will also be allocated a unique Username and Password for them to access the ‘allocated teams’ submission forms and to score them. The username and passwords will be shared with Judges not earlier than 1 week before the event. Judges are expected to go through the ‘pre-read’ material by accessing the allocated teams’ Awards Submission Forms.
  • At the event, Judging will take place on Day 1 and partially on Day 2 (morning).
  • Judges will visit the booths of allocated teams primarily on Day 1 (18th June) and on first half of Day 2 (19th June till 12noon) to interact with and score the teams.
  • Judging time blocks or slots will be allocated to Judges. It should also be noted that Judges may or may not necessarily visit together, so kindly ensure atleast 1 or 2 people are present at kiosk at the all times. 
  • All Judging will conclude at 1pm on Day 2, and Judges must ensure to SAVE all the scores ONLINE, no later than 19th June (Wednesday) 1pm CET.

Please watch this page, more information will become available during the run up to the event 

 Please watch this page, more information will become available during the run up to the event 

3. Guidelines & Judging Process

Please watch this page, more information will become available during the run up to the event 

4. Judging Timelines 

Please watch this page, more information will become available during the run up to the event 


4. Judging Timelines 

·    Catalyst Award Categories LIVE.

·    Upload on confluence for teams to access.

·    Judges visit the allocated teams at their booths to review & score teams.

·    Judges to save all the scores ONLINE by end of each judging session, or latest by 19th June, 2pm CET.·    Innovation Awards Ceremony to announce the winners & finalists. Outlook invites will be sent out to Judges/Presenters etc. in due course.

19th Feb 2024

April 2024

·    Catalyst Awards Webinars for Teams

·    Finalize the template of Award Submission forms.

·    Create & share Team login username/passwords for online portal to submit the Awards Submission forms.

·    Judges’ recruitment (for Open Innovation Catalyst Awards)

May 2024

·    Allocate teams’ forms to each Judge.

18th to 19th June 2024

20th June 2024

5. Support

If you have any further questions/concerns, kindly reach out to Mahima Khurana at [email protected].