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Dec 08, 2016 Actor Type Activity Version
TS Tsai Comment commented 9:01 AM

There is an error in this page, the "Product Order attributes description" should be replaced by "Trouble Ticket attributes description"

Sep 13, 2017
[email protected] Comment commented 8:34 AM


I have two general (or stupid) questions:

  1. Is the Trouble Ticket States diagram shown in specification the only one which is allowed or I can add in my implementation some other states and transitions?
  2. Specification presents the defined set of ticket attributes. Does it mean that I cannot use any other attirubutes/information or maybe it means that this is only the "core" set which can be extended according to particular needs? I'm asking in the context of my integration project where I have to obtain (during ticket creation) more data/information (more than it is allowed in specification) from external system to process ticket correctly.