Billing API manages the following Data resources:

  • Billing account
    • A billing account is a detailed description of a customer's bill structure
    • Main billing account attributes are its identifier and name, rating type (prepaid, postpaid), status, identifier of related customer account, billing cycle information, bill format and presentation media (post mail, email, web page), billing currency, billing account balance identifier, payment means (e.g. credit card) related party reference and role (Invoice responsible, payer, etc.)
  • Bill item (aka Applied Customer Billing Charge in SID terminology)
    • A bill item is an amount, usually of money, for which a person or an organization is financially liable
    • Main bill item attributes are its identifier, creation date, description (additional data displayed on the bill), type of charge (recurring, one time or usage), currency code, taxes and amounts related information (tax included amount, tax excluded amount, tax rate), identifier and type of the concerned service
  • Settlement Note Advice
    • The settlement is about transferring money between partners. The settlement is notified to the partner with a settlement note advice containing details in settlement lines.
    • Main settlement note advice attributes are its identifier, Creation date, description, due date, , taxes and amounts related information (tax included amount, tax excluded amount, tax rate, etc.), currency code, settlement method, receiver and issuer, settlement note Item related to a product information (identifier, description, quantity, taxes and amounts related information, product information)
  • No labels