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There are two ways to submit feedback on a deliverable:

  1. Via an individual deliverable page on the website
  2. Via Confluence from the TM Forum Published Deliverables space




  1. Navigate to the individual deliverable page:
  2. Click the Submit Feedback button
  3. The feedback form is shown in a pop-up:
  4. Complete all of the mandatory fields in the form making sure you carefully read the IPR declaration
  5. Click "Continue to Step 2" and then click "Submit" to route your feedback
  6. You will then see a confirmation notice with a unique reference. 
  7. The Feedback submission may have to be reviewed by your company's IPR contact. The IPR contact can either Approve or Reject the Feedback. 
  8. If the Feedback is approved it is then reviewed by TM Forum staff and routed to the Project Team who will then review and decide on course of action

From Confluence:

  1. Navigate to a deliverable in the TM Forum Published Deliverables space 
  2. Click the "Feedback" button on the toolbar:
  3. Follow the steps above from step 3 onwards to complete the Feedback submission form
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