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Hello, Catalyst teams!

We are fast approaching TM Forum Live! Asia 2018. We are 3 weeks from the event, to ensure a successful catalyst, please find below general items related to the event that will help your team run a smooth catalyst booth.

Please read the below information so you are up-to-speed with all the preparation needed by your Catalyst team, ahead of showcasing your Catalyst project at the event.

Event Expo

Location: Marina Mandarin, Singapore. You can find further travel & accommodation details on our website:

Expo Passes:

Your complimentary passes are issued after the contract is received by TM Forum, we won't be able to issue those until a signed contract is received. If you have returned your contract over two weeks ago and are yet to receive the passes, please email me on [email protected]


Access to all of those with an exhibitor pass will be granted from 7:30 am each day. This will allow you to set-up your booth prior to the door opening to the general public.
Tuesday - 09:00 am- 18:30pm
Wednesday - 10:30am - 18:30pm
Thursday - 9:00 am - 17:00 pm

Catalyst Booth Set-Up

Catalyst booth set-up on Tuesday at 7:30 am. - We have a meeting room available on Monday afternoon, each team can use it as a drop-in, I will follow up on available slots with your project lead.

Action Day - Thursday

Ahead of the TM Forum! Nice 2018 Catalyst proposal submission deadline, the Catalyst team will facilitate a session on Thursday PM. This session will focus on new submissions, any projects that wish to move to a new iteration and allow discussion with TM Forum Live! Asia attendees who might be interested in joining your future or existing catalyst.
The team can also use this time to meet and utilize the time this way. Please ensure you attend! 

Catalyst Booth

Please ensure that the Catalyst booth as team cover during the opening hours, see Expo Hours above. Your team must arrive and set-ups the booth at least 30mintues prior to the doors opening to the general public each day. No cover during opening hours will impact your Catalyst project exposure and reduced delegate input/leads.
Below is the latest floorplan and catalyst booths location. Note floorplans may be subject to change. ( click on the image to open).

View file
nameAsia 2017 Floor Plan.pdf

Note that company-specific materials are not allowed to be distributed in the Catalyst booths.

Each booth will have two screens, 2 hard-wired internet lines with each device having up to 20Mbp, plus TM Forum event WI-Fi. Wi-Fi. Your team will need to bring their own laptops and any other project-specific equipment. Please note any requests outside of the TM Forum provision need to be made by end of this week: Friday, 17th November.
Please do let me know if there are any requirements ahead of the event, in order to appropriately accommodate them.

Catalyst Virtual Show Bag

The virtual show bag is your virtual marketing material library for your project. At the event, your team will be giving a scanning device, allowing the team to scan delegates visiting the booth. The information to be sent post-event.

There is a section on your Project Confluence Space to populate this information, you can include:

  • Elevator pitch presentation
  • General interest presentation;
  • Full story presentation 
  • Datasheet.
  • Project blogs and news articles ( if any);
  • Press-releases made by your team;
  • 1 fact-sheet per company involved.
  • Any project material used to promote your catalyst.

Items need to be populated by the 1st of December 2017. Individual company literature is not allowed to be distributed on the Catalyst booths

Catalyst Awards

This year awards are:

  • Outstanding Catalyst - Innovation
    Catalyst team with the most innovative concept and demonstration which advances digital business.

  • Outstanding Catalyst - Business Impact
    Catalyst team that demonstrates a concept that has the most compelling business potential.

You can find the award criteria below. Catalyst Awards will be presented on the last session of the TM Forum Live! Asia, on Thursday from 4 pm.

View file
nameCatalyst Awards Criteria Singapore - Final.pdf

Project Deliverables

Please make sure you are updating and tracking your project and marketing deliverables on your 'Project Plan' which can also be found in your Catalyst Workspace. Most will need to be completed ahead of the event. 

  • Project Charter - Your TMF mentor pre-populated this document for you. Project Charters must be completed latest by the 27th November.

  • Curate FX - Log-in instructions have now been sent to all team members. The model also should be completed by the 1st December.
    If you are having any access issues or require any training please do let us know. 

  • Marketing Activities - Coordinate with your Catalyst team for the press release, return the blog post form and any other marketing activities that your team can accommodate between now and the event.

  • Marketing Logo / Company Description - The deadline has now passed for add any changes to the logos /description. Thank you to all those that sent their up-to-date company logo and 50-word company description.

  • Elevator pitch presentation - This is a 5 minute / 3 slide presentation, for visitors who are passing. As the name says, the purpose of this presentation is to attract the attention of a passer-by delegate. The presentation template can be found below and is also available in your main confluence space. 
    View file

  • General Interest presentation - A 25minute / 15 slide presentation for visitors who present general interest in the project. This should give a good overview of the project. This presentation is usually a good format to use in any public presentations the project might do outside of the event.

  • Full Story presentation - 45minte / 30 slides maximum presentation. The purpose of this format is for attendees that show a high interest in your project and is the 'tell me everything' story. It is also a beneficial format to use in in-depth meetings that include business part, technical part and demo.

  • TM Forum Open APIs logo -please include this logo on any slides, so that attendees, judges and TMF staff can identify where you have used TM Forum Open API's. Logo image can be downloaded by clicking below. 

We will be providing further information on the Catalyst video schedule, Catalyst Awards judging appointments and any other items required for your project to be prepared in the next few weeks. 

Shall you have any questions please do let me know,
Tania Fernandes
Catalyst Program Manager