
TM Forum Live! Asia 2018 - Ready, Set, Go!

In case you missed it, please see the On-Demand Operational & Marketing Toolkit session, it covers all items required to deliver a great catalyst ahead of the event:

Please click the thumbnail below to watch the video:

2017-11-23 08.00 TM Forum Live! Asia - Catalyst Ready, Set, Go.mp4 .     

You can also download the presentation deck below: 

Tania Fernandes
Catalyst Program Manager



Hello, Catalyst teams!

We are fast approaching TM Forum Live! Asia 2018. We are 3 weeks from the event, to ensure a successful catalyst, please find below general items related to the event that will help your team run a smooth catalyst booth.

Please read the below information so you are up-to-speed with all the preparation needed by your Catalyst team, ahead of showcasing your Catalyst project at the event.

Event Expo

Location: Marina Mandarin, Singapore. You can find further travel & accommodation details on our website:

Expo Passes:

Your complimentary passes are issued after the contract is received by TM Forum, we won't be able to issue those until a signed contract is received. If you have returned your contract over two weeks ago and are yet to receive the passes, please email me at [email protected]


Access to all of those with an exhibitor pass will be granted from 7:30 am each day. This will allow you to set-up your booth prior to the door opening to the general public.
Tuesday - 08:00 am- 18:30pm
Wednesday - 08:00am - 18:30pm
Thursday - 08:00 am - 17:00 pm

Catalyst Booth Set-Up

Catalyst booth set-up on Tuesday at 7:30 am. - We have a meeting room available on Monday afternoon, each team can use it as a drop-in, I will follow up on available slots with your project lead.

Action Day - Thursday

Ahead of the TM Forum! Nice 2018 Catalyst proposal submission deadline, the Catalyst team will facilitate a session on Thursday PM. This session will focus on new submissions, any projects that wish to move to a new iteration and allow discussion with TM Forum Live! Asia attendees who might be interested in joining your future or existing catalyst.
The team can also use this time to meet and utilize the time this way. Please ensure you attend! 

Catalyst Booth

Please ensure that the Catalyst booth as team cover during the opening hours, see Expo Hours above. Your team must arrive and set-ups the booth at least 30mintues prior to the doors opening to the general public each day. No cover during opening hours will impact your Catalyst project exposure and reduced delegate input/leads.
Below is the latest floorplan and catalyst booths location. Note floorplans may be subject to change. ( click on the image to open).

Note that company-specific materials are not allowed to be distributed in the Catalyst booths.

Each booth will have two screens, 2 hard-wired internet lines with each device having up to 20Mbp, plus TM Forum event WI-Fi. Wi-Fi. Your team will need to bring their own laptops and any other project-specific equipment. Please note any requests outside of the TM Forum provision need to be made by end of this week: Friday, 17th November.
Please do let me know if there are any requirements ahead of the event, in order to appropriately accommodate them.

Catalyst Virtual Show Bag

The virtual show bag is your virtual marketing material library for your project. At the event, your team will be giving a scanning device, allowing the team to scan delegates visiting the booth. The information to be sent post-event.

There is a section on your Project Confluence Space to populate this information, you can include:

  • Elevator pitch presentation
  • General interest presentation;
  • Full story presentation 
  • Datasheet.
  • Project blogs and news articles ( if any);
  • Press-releases made by your team;
  • 1 fact-sheet per company involved.
  • Any project material used to promote your catalyst.

Items need to be populated by the 1st of December 2017. Individual company literature is not allowed to be distributed on the Catalyst booths

Catalyst Awards

This year awards are:

  • Outstanding Catalyst - Innovation
    Catalyst team with the most innovative concept and demonstration which advances digital business.

  • Outstanding Catalyst - Business Impact
    Catalyst team that demonstrates a concept that has the most compelling business potential.

You can find the award criteria below. Catalyst Awards will be presented on the last session of the TM Forum Live! Asia, on Thursday from 4 pm.

Project Deliverables

Please make sure you are updating and tracking your project and marketing deliverables on your 'Project Plan' which can also be found in your Catalyst Workspace. Most will need to be completed ahead of the event. 

  • Project Charter - Your TMF mentor pre-populated this document for you. Project Charters must be completed latest by the 27th November.

  • Curate FX - Log-in instructions have now been sent to all team members. The model also should be completed by the 1st December.
    If you are having any access issues or require any training please do let us know. 

  • Marketing Activities - Coordinate with your Catalyst team for the press release, return the blog post form and any other marketing activities that your team can accommodate between now and the event.

  • Marketing Logo / Company Description - The deadline has now passed for add any changes to the logos /description. Thank you to all those that sent their up-to-date company logo and 50-word company description.

  • Elevator pitch presentation - This is a 5 minute / 3 slide presentation, for visitors who are passing. As the name says, the purpose of this presentation is to attract the attention of a passer-by delegate. The presentation template can be found below and is also available in your main confluence space. 

  • General Interest presentation - A 25minute / 15 slide presentation for visitors who present general interest in the project. This should give a good overview of the project. This presentation is usually a good format to use in any public presentations the project might do outside of the event.

  • Full Story presentation - 45minte / 30 slides maximum presentation. The purpose of this format is for attendees that show a high interest in your project and is the 'tell me everything' story. It is also a beneficial format to use in in-depth meetings that include business part, technical part and demo.

  • TM Forum Open APIs logo -please include this logo on any slides, so that attendees, judges and TMF staff can identify where you have used TM Forum Open API's. Logo image can be downloaded by clicking below. 

We will be providing further information on the Catalyst video schedule, Catalyst Awards judging appointments and any other items required for your project to be prepared in the next few weeks. 

Shall you have any questions please do let me know,
Tania Fernandes
Catalyst Program Manager




Hello all and welcome to a new, year-long cycle of Catalyst Activities.  Stay tuned to this page for frequent updates on events, milestones and general information.  In the interim, please find our newly updated Catalyst Reference Guide that walks you through all of the events, fees and commitments.  

Hey all,


As we get ready to all leave for Nice next week,  I wanted to make sure that all projects were as well prepared as possible.  To that end, I wanted to call out specific information:



Catalyst Charter

  • As a reminder, if you do not complete your project charter, you will not be eligible for any Catalyst Awards

Catalyst Awards

  • There are a few things that need to be asap if you want your project to be eligible for the Catalyst Awards
    • Catalyst API Award
  • Contribution of TM Forum Assets and Adoption of TM Forum Assets
    • You MUST complete the SurveyMonkey in order to be eligible for the award.
  • Curate Fx Award
    • You MUST use this tool to be eligible
    • Shows use of CurateFx to capture the definition of the business view of the business scenario (1 = minimal, 5 = outstanding)
    • Shows use of CurateFx to capture the design of the ecosystem including interactions among the stakeholders in the Ecosystem module (1 = minimal, 5 = outstanding)
    • Shows mapping to Frameworx to enable the definition of the ecosystem from the perspective of business process, information, application and metrics (1 = minimal, 5 = outstanding)
    • Shows collaboration among the stakeholders to develop the business scenario (We will validate that multiple team members have signed up and logged in)

Project Dry Runs

  • In order to make best use of your demo time, please make sure that you are scheduling a dry run this week with myself or your respective program manager to make sure that your demonstration is as clear and concise as possible

Theater Presentations

  • If you have not already done so, please send your theater/video presentation to Tania Fernandes- [email protected]



Thanks all and I hope for to see you all demonstrate great projects in Nice! 

Hi all,

Thank you for joining me earlier today for this discussion about planning for TM Forum Live! Nice 2017 as well as some of the logistics.  I am attaching both the slide deck that I used to present as well as the recorded presentation for your reference.


2017-05-02 11.06 Ready-Set-Go TM Forum Live! 2017.mp4



Jean-Pierre Dufresne

Hey all,


As we approach Nice, I wanted to once again call your attention to some possibilities for your Catalyst project- both to help promote your project as well as some updates on milestones.


Virtual Showbag

  • The Virtual Show Bag is the online library containing al the marketing materials about your project, as well as the marketing materials of all participating companies. By easily scanning the delegate’s badge, the collateral materials will be sent to the delegate to their email provided during registration. Please note: no physical flyers or brochures are allowed in your booth
  • In order to use the page, just visit your Catalyst space àthe ‘Catalyst Virtual Show Bag’ which can be found by using the left-hand side navigation bar. Once in the page, click edit and add documents, images and any other content by using the Edit Bar at the top of the page. If you require any assistance or require any further help don’t hesitate to contact [email protected].
  • In order to get the team started please see below a suggestion of materials for the Virtual Bag:
    • Presentations: Upload all 3 Elevator Pitch, Theatre Presentation and Full-Story;
    • Videos: Both Elevator Pitch interview created for the Action Week, plus the longer video created ahead of the Live! Event describing the project and demo.         
    • Blog article, if one was   published.
    • Press release
    • Data-Sheet
    • The Value proposition – B2B2X
    • Your companies’ marketing collateral
    • Technical or any other materials that the team feels will detail and further promote the project


Curate FX Award

  • I mentioned in my last email that specific criteria on this was forthcoming- please see below for judging criteria.  Also, if you would like feedback from the B2B2X team before the show, please send a read-only link to me and  [email protected]
  • Shows use of CurateFx to capture the definition of the business view of the business scenario (1 = minimal, 5 = outstanding)
  • Shows use of CurateFx to capture the design of the ecosystem including interactions among the stakeholders in the Ecosystem module (1 = minimal, 5 = outstanding)
  • Shows mapping to Frameworx to enable the definition of the ecosystem from the perspective of business process, information, application and metrics (1 = minimal, 5 = outstanding)
  • Shows collaboration among the stakeholders to develop the business scenario (We will validate that multiple team members have signed up and logged in)


Other Catalyst Awards


Project Charters

  • It is IMPERATIVE that all project charters be completed by next week as they are prerequisites for any award nomination as well as to be properly displayed in Nice
  • It keeps your project from suffering any unfortunate setbacks from an IPR perspective


Ready-Set-Go Webinar

  • I wanted to remind you all of the webinar I will be hosting on Tuesday, May 2 at 11:00AM Eastern
  • This is a chance for you to take a look at the overall floorplan, agenda, and ask any outstanding questions you may have
  • Please register for the webinar here:
  • For those unable to attend, I will record and upload the presentation to the Catalyst Announcements page in your Catalyst Confluence Space


Video Schedule

  • I have attached to this email the schedule showing when your video presentation is slated to be recorded
  • Please indicate the 1 person from your project that will be recording the video



Thanks all and please let me know if you have any questions!


Hey all,


With less than a month to go, I hope that you are doing well in your Catalyst project and preparing to demonstrate like pros in Nice!  I wanted to share some information with you all as we prepare that will help you in shaping these last few weeks:


Catalyst Awards

As we have in year’s past, this year we will once again be presenting certain projects with Catalyst Awards during TM Forum Live! 2017.  The awards as well as their criteria as follows:

  • Outstanding Performance in the Catalyst Program Award (max of 3)
    • See attached scoring rubric that the judges will use when walking around your booths (via appointments that will come in the coming days)
  • Outstanding Contribution to TM Forum Assets Award
  • Outstanding Use of TM Forum Assets Award
  • Outstanding Open Architecture and API Design Award
      • Applicable only to teams that are using/contributing TMF Open APIS and using the Catalyst API Evaluation in Confluence
      • If so, complete #8 for consideration
  • Outstanding Ecosystem Design Using CurateFx
      • Applicable only to teams actively using CurateFx
      • More specific details to come



Virtual Showbag

As in the past, we are providing you with a virtual showbag.  As company-specific materials are not allowed to be distributed at your project booth, this is the place you can put it.  All of the materials uploaded to the space will be emailed to the delegates that visit your booth via the scanners that we will be providing you for the show.  This page will be in your Confluence Spaces by next week, but you have until the week of the event to upload anything you want sent out.


Ready-Set-Go Webinar

                On Tuesday May 2 at 11:00 AM Eastern, I will be hosting a webinar that covers logistics, floorplan, travel, registration, agendas and will be on hand to answer any questions you may have.  Please register using this link:



If you have yet to sign your contract, you will not be able to register for the event with your complimentary passes, be including in the project booth, or take part in any networking activities.  Please let me know if anyone on your team is struggling getting a signed contract.






Jean-Pierre Dufresne


Hi all,


I am writing to you Catalyst project leads and hope that you can share this information with the rest of your team.  As we get closer to TM Forum Live! Nice 2017, I thought it was important to share the necessary next steps to make your Catalyst project as successful as project leads.  I sent the initial email last week and also included it in the Catalyst General Space that is linked in all of your Confluence Space.  This email will focus on the next steps to be taken by Catalyst leads as well as update you on information from TMF that impacts your work:


Project Charters

  • The project charters have now been uploaded into your individual Catalyst Spaces (left-hand toolbar)
  • We formatted it similar to your submission forms so please review it with the team, update/ fill-in information where necessary
  • Complete the project charters by April 10
    • If you have any specific questions about how to Edit the Space or submit your charter, please contact me or your Program Lead


Catalyst Judging

  • The specifics are still being ironed out and on next week’s message, I hope to be able to provide you the judging criteria and rubric to help mold your message to the judges
  • The process will go as follows:
    • The judges will be provided with your project charters before the show so that they are aware of the basics of your project
    • They will then make appointments with me to go to your booth
      • I will relay the appointment schedule to the project leads
  • The judges will meet during Wednesday lunch to go over what they have seen and judged to come to a consensus on award winners
  • Awards will be handed out on Wednesday during the PM break


Catalyst Showguide

  • As we have done in year’s past, we will be distributing a printed Showguide to delegates in attendance at Nice
  • Only companies with signed contracts will be listed on the Showguide (if you are unsure if your company has signed their contract, please contact me)
  • Please review your individual Catalyst pages located here to make sure that all companies are appropriately listed




Thanks and please let me know if you have any questions!


Jean-Pierre Dufresne

Thank you to everyone that was able to join us during today's discussion about a new tool available exclusively to TM Forum Catalyst members.  Here is the recording of that webinar:


Join us for an information session to discuss CurateFx. Learn how to make faster, more confident decisions about complex business scenarios and ecosystems that will enhance your Catalyst. 

During this informal session, you will be able to ask questions related to your Catalyst and learn how to maximize this program to make your Catalyst project shine!

 Please forward this invite to anyone on your team that may have been left out- don’t worry, we will record the session and post it to the General Announcements area in your Catalyst Space.

Please register for CurateFx Roundtable and Coaching Session on Mar 29, 2017 11:00 AM EDT at:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Brought to you by GoToWebinar®
Webinars Made Easy®


Hi all,


I am writing to you Catalyst project leads and hope that you can share this information with the rest of your team.  As we are nearing TM Forum Live! Nice 2017, I thought it was important to share the necessary next steps to make your Catalyst project as successful as project leads.  In the coming weeks, I will send weekly emails that highlight certain areas that the projects should be focusing on.  This initial email is a bit long, but that is only to showcase the breadth of milestones that need to be completed to ensure a successful project :

 Project Charters

  • These are legal documents that are REQUIRED by every project to be completed by the first week of April
  • We have formatted the charters so that they resemble the submission forms from your initial proposal
  • We have also copy/pasted information from your submission form directly into the charters so that the information that you have to provide is limited and will require less time to complete
  • The charters will be located in your Confluence Space in the next couple of days (if you are ‘Watching’ your Space, you will receive an email notification)


API Evaluation

  • This is only applicable to certain projects that deal with TM Forum Open APIs
    • If your project qualifies, you will see a Catalyst API Evaluation link in the left sidebar of your Catalyst Space
    • Clicking on that side link will provide you with specific instructions on how to determine the best use of TMF APIs to use in your project
    • Please complete the evaluation by April 7, 2017



  • This is a replacement for the B2B2X tool developed by the B2B2X team
  • As Catalyst members you get free access to this interactive program that helps you map out the ecosystem of your project
  • More information is located here:
  • You should have all received information on how to register- if you have not received that, please let me know


Registering for Passes

  • Once your Catalyst contract has been signed, you should have been contacted to received your 2 complimentary Exhibitor passes
  • If you or anyone from your team has not been contacted, and their contract has been signed and returned, please let me know


Marketing Logo/Company Description

  • In order to properly market your company’s involvement we need a company logo from everyone in your team (in both jpg and eps format)
  • Please send any updates to me as soon as possible


Expo Hours

  • It is imperative that there is always at least one project member at your booth when the expo hall is open to present the project to passing delegates
  • The expo is open from:
    • Monday: 9:00am-5:30pm
    • Tuesday: 9:00am (keynotes)-5:30pm
    • Wednesday: 9:00am-5:30pm
    • Thursday: 9:00am-12:00pm
    • Your setup day is Sunday, May 14 and that is when you should head over to the Acropolis, located your project booth and make sure that your demo works as it should
    • I will be on site for any assistance you may need
      • If you think you will need special a/v equipment, please let me know by March 31



Project Milestones

  • I have attached the project milestones to this email
  • It goes into detail about the types of presentations required, when they are due and what part of the project the refer to
  • If you are unclear about any of these milestones, please let me know



Catalyst Brochure

  • I have also attached the Catalyst Brochure that I used to present during Action Week as it goes into detail about what makes a good project, what makes a successful project, etc.
  • Please share this document with anyone you think would be interested in learning more about the Catalyst Program




Apologies again for the long email, but please let me know if you have any questions!

Dear Catalyst Member,


Singapore is a few weeks away and I wanted to pass along vital information that will be of great use to you as you prepare for and attend the event.


  1.      Catalyst Awards              
    1. As we have done at past events, we will be handing out Catalyst Awards at our event during the afternoon break on December 8, 2016
    2. There are 3 possible awards your project can win:

                                                               i.      Best Use of TM Forum Assets

                                                             ii.      Biggest Contribution to TM Forum Assets

                                                            iii.      Best-in-Show

  1. In order to qualify for the first two awards, YOU MUST COMPLETE YOUR PROJECT CHARTER by November 25, 2016 (located in you project Confluence Space)  NO EXCEPTIONS

                                                               i.      Within the project charter is an asset library section which is instrumental in providing the necessary information to the Collaboration Subcommittee

                                                             ii.      This asset library will be printed and available on your kiosk to all as a project hand-out

  1. For the Best-in-Show award, the judges will be using a rubric.  The judges will tour the Catalysts with this document in hand and mark down notes and scores as appropriate
  2. The judges will visit your Catalyst booth at specific times.  I will circulate a schedule the week before the event so that you know when to expect the judges at your booth
  3. 2.       Expo
    1. The show floor is open during the entire 2 day conference and Catalyst teams are expected to be by their booth during those times (9:00am-5:00pm).
    2. We will have new/improved scanners for you to use during the show to capture the information from the delegates that visit your booth.  This will also be the time when they receive items from your Virtual Showbag

                                                               i.      The Virtual Showbag is an online repository of digital files that you can share with delegates (prevents your kiosk from being taken over by papers!)

  1. In the VSB, you can share documents about your project, about your company, or anything that you think a delegate would want after they stop by your booth
  2. This VSB is located as a Child Page in your Confluence Space.  Simply click on that link and attach the documents that you want delegates to receive by so that we can populate the VSB.
  3. 3.       Presentations
    1. You should be working on three different types of presentations

                                                               i.      Demonstration

  1. This is your main presentation as you will have the most time with delegates when they are in front of your booth and want to see a demo
  2. You will want to show the demonstration and have an accompanying presentation that should include any illustrations, diagrams or working programs to properly showcase the challenge your project is tackling and your proposed solution

                                                             ii.      Video Presentation

  1. This is a recorded version of you using your slides where 1 representative from the Catalyst speaks to the camera about the Catalyst project
    1. Try and include screen shots from your demo where applicable

                                                            iii.      Elevator Pitch

  1. This is for delegates who are running between sessions or just want a quick overview to decide if they want more info. For this one prepare a 3-minute pitch about your project.  Make sure the essentials are covered:
    1. Champion Problem Statement
    2. Role of Participants
    3. Key innovation in your solution and the value it provides
    4. 4.       Registration/Contracts
      1. a.       If you have signed your contract, you should have been contacted to register for your complimentary passes.  If you have not, please contact me for assistance at [email protected]

                                                               i.      If you have not signed your contract, you need to do so by IMMEDIATELY  to avoid having your company left off of kiosk sign and printed show guide

  1. 5.       Marketing Opportunities
    1. a.       As in past events, we will have a professional video crew on site to record you presenting your Catalyst.

                                                               i.      In a separate email, I will send your time to record a video about your Catalyst presentation.  Think about who the best person on your team would be to present the story of your project for a video that could have many hundreds of views.

                                                             ii.      See above for notes on your presentation

  1. b.      Toolkit – this has been designed to enhance your presence at TM Forum Live! Asia, find information here:
  2. c.       Articles & Blogs – if you would like to write an article or blog on your Catalyst, please contact Sarah Wray, [email protected]


Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions regarding logistics or planning around TM Forum Live! Asia 2016 and I hope to see you all in Singapore!


P.S please pass this along to anyone on your team that I may have forgotten.


Hello all,

Following up from the below, I am attaching the scoring sheet that the Catalyst judges will be using to score your project as they visit your booths for a demo for the Best-in-Show award.  Please keep this in mind when preparing your demo presentation, specifically when a judge is in front of your booth!  As a reminder, next week,  I will send the appointment schedule to you all so that it is clear when a judge is planning on visiting your booth. 

Note: This rubric is only for the Best-in-Show award.  For the Best Use of TM Forum Assets award and the Biggest Contribution to TM Forum Assets award, you must complete your project charter by October 26, 2016.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions and share this information with your team.




General Information

Hello all,

Welcome to the General Space for Catalyst Information.  My name is Jean-Pierre Dufresne (Jean-Pierre Dufresne, [email protected]) and I am the Catalyst Program Project Manager. If you have any questions about your project, or joining another project, please don't hesitate to reach out to me and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

As a recap, Catalysts are rapid fire, member-driven proof-of-concept projects which both inform and leverage TM Forum best practices and standards, connecting service providers, technology suppliers, and global enterprises to create innovative solutions to common industry challenges.  Catalysts, as part of TM Forum's Collaboration Program, require that there are a minimum of 4 Participants (problem solvers) and 1 Champion (solution seeker).  Below you will find information pertaining to the Catalysts with plans to showcase in Dallas/Singapore in the latter part of 2016. 


The Catalyst milestones are located in a separate blog post (under this one). It is also the exact copy of the milestones document that is located within each of the project-specific Catalyst Confluence Spaces. 


Weekly Meetings 

These meetings are essential for Catalyst teams to engage with each other on a regular basis.  The point of the meeting is two-fold:

  • An opportunity for the project members to work on the deliverables outlined in the submission/charter
  • A chance for TM Forum staff to share updates, check on status of contracts and other deliverables


Please start working with your project-specific Program Manager to set up these weekly meetings

I will be regularly updating this page, so stay tuned for more information!


Catalyst Milestones
