Hey all,


With less than a month to go, I hope that you are doing well in your Catalyst project and preparing to demonstrate like pros in Nice!  I wanted to share some information with you all as we prepare that will help you in shaping these last few weeks:


Catalyst Awards

As we have in year’s past, this year we will once again be presenting certain projects with Catalyst Awards during TM Forum Live! 2017.  The awards as well as their criteria as follows:

  • Outstanding Performance in the Catalyst Program Award (max of 3)
    • See attached scoring rubric that the judges will use when walking around your booths (via appointments that will come in the coming days)
  • Outstanding Contribution to TM Forum Assets Award
  • Outstanding Use of TM Forum Assets Award
  • Outstanding Open Architecture and API Design Award
      • Applicable only to teams that are using/contributing TMF Open APIS and using the Catalyst API Evaluation in Confluence
      • If so, complete #8 for consideration
  • Outstanding Ecosystem Design Using CurateFx
      • Applicable only to teams actively using CurateFx
      • More specific details to come



Virtual Showbag

As in the past, we are providing you with a virtual showbag.  As company-specific materials are not allowed to be distributed at your project booth, this is the place you can put it.  All of the materials uploaded to the space will be emailed to the delegates that visit your booth via the scanners that we will be providing you for the show.  This page will be in your Confluence Spaces by next week, but you have until the week of the event to upload anything you want sent out.


Ready-Set-Go Webinar

                On Tuesday May 2 at 11:00 AM Eastern, I will be hosting a webinar that covers logistics, floorplan, travel, registration, agendas and will be on hand to answer any questions you may have.  Please register using this link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/5921282814587633921.



If you have yet to sign your contract, you will not be able to register for the event with your complimentary passes, be including in the project booth, or take part in any networking activities.  Please let me know if anyone on your team is struggling getting a signed contract.






Jean-Pierre Dufresne


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