Blog from November, 2016

Dear Catalyst Member,


Singapore is a few weeks away and I wanted to pass along vital information that will be of great use to you as you prepare for and attend the event.


  1.      Catalyst Awards              
    1. As we have done at past events, we will be handing out Catalyst Awards at our event during the afternoon break on December 8, 2016
    2. There are 3 possible awards your project can win:

                                                               i.      Best Use of TM Forum Assets

                                                             ii.      Biggest Contribution to TM Forum Assets

                                                            iii.      Best-in-Show

  1. In order to qualify for the first two awards, YOU MUST COMPLETE YOUR PROJECT CHARTER by November 25, 2016 (located in you project Confluence Space)  NO EXCEPTIONS

                                                               i.      Within the project charter is an asset library section which is instrumental in providing the necessary information to the Collaboration Subcommittee

                                                             ii.      This asset library will be printed and available on your kiosk to all as a project hand-out

  1. For the Best-in-Show award, the judges will be using a rubric.  The judges will tour the Catalysts with this document in hand and mark down notes and scores as appropriate
  2. The judges will visit your Catalyst booth at specific times.  I will circulate a schedule the week before the event so that you know when to expect the judges at your booth
  3. 2.       Expo
    1. The show floor is open during the entire 2 day conference and Catalyst teams are expected to be by their booth during those times (9:00am-5:00pm).
    2. We will have new/improved scanners for you to use during the show to capture the information from the delegates that visit your booth.  This will also be the time when they receive items from your Virtual Showbag

                                                               i.      The Virtual Showbag is an online repository of digital files that you can share with delegates (prevents your kiosk from being taken over by papers!)

  1. In the VSB, you can share documents about your project, about your company, or anything that you think a delegate would want after they stop by your booth
  2. This VSB is located as a Child Page in your Confluence Space.  Simply click on that link and attach the documents that you want delegates to receive by so that we can populate the VSB.
  3. 3.       Presentations
    1. You should be working on three different types of presentations

                                                               i.      Demonstration

  1. This is your main presentation as you will have the most time with delegates when they are in front of your booth and want to see a demo
  2. You will want to show the demonstration and have an accompanying presentation that should include any illustrations, diagrams or working programs to properly showcase the challenge your project is tackling and your proposed solution

                                                             ii.      Video Presentation

  1. This is a recorded version of you using your slides where 1 representative from the Catalyst speaks to the camera about the Catalyst project
    1. Try and include screen shots from your demo where applicable

                                                            iii.      Elevator Pitch

  1. This is for delegates who are running between sessions or just want a quick overview to decide if they want more info. For this one prepare a 3-minute pitch about your project.  Make sure the essentials are covered:
    1. Champion Problem Statement
    2. Role of Participants
    3. Key innovation in your solution and the value it provides
    4. 4.       Registration/Contracts
      1. a.       If you have signed your contract, you should have been contacted to register for your complimentary passes.  If you have not, please contact me for assistance at [email protected]

                                                               i.      If you have not signed your contract, you need to do so by IMMEDIATELY  to avoid having your company left off of kiosk sign and printed show guide

  1. 5.       Marketing Opportunities
    1. a.       As in past events, we will have a professional video crew on site to record you presenting your Catalyst.

                                                               i.      In a separate email, I will send your time to record a video about your Catalyst presentation.  Think about who the best person on your team would be to present the story of your project for a video that could have many hundreds of views.

                                                             ii.      See above for notes on your presentation

  1. b.      Toolkit – this has been designed to enhance your presence at TM Forum Live! Asia, find information here:
  2. c.       Articles & Blogs – if you would like to write an article or blog on your Catalyst, please contact Sarah Wray, [email protected]


Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions regarding logistics or planning around TM Forum Live! Asia 2016 and I hope to see you all in Singapore!


P.S please pass this along to anyone on your team that I may have forgotten.