Blog from May, 2017

Hey all,


As we get ready to all leave for Nice next week,  I wanted to make sure that all projects were as well prepared as possible.  To that end, I wanted to call out specific information:



Catalyst Charter

  • As a reminder, if you do not complete your project charter, you will not be eligible for any Catalyst Awards

Catalyst Awards

  • There are a few things that need to be asap if you want your project to be eligible for the Catalyst Awards
    • Catalyst API Award
  • Contribution of TM Forum Assets and Adoption of TM Forum Assets
    • You MUST complete the SurveyMonkey in order to be eligible for the award.
  • Curate Fx Award
    • You MUST use this tool to be eligible
    • Shows use of CurateFx to capture the definition of the business view of the business scenario (1 = minimal, 5 = outstanding)
    • Shows use of CurateFx to capture the design of the ecosystem including interactions among the stakeholders in the Ecosystem module (1 = minimal, 5 = outstanding)
    • Shows mapping to Frameworx to enable the definition of the ecosystem from the perspective of business process, information, application and metrics (1 = minimal, 5 = outstanding)
    • Shows collaboration among the stakeholders to develop the business scenario (We will validate that multiple team members have signed up and logged in)

Project Dry Runs

  • In order to make best use of your demo time, please make sure that you are scheduling a dry run this week with myself or your respective program manager to make sure that your demonstration is as clear and concise as possible

Theater Presentations

  • If you have not already done so, please send your theater/video presentation to Tania Fernandes- [email protected]



Thanks all and I hope for to see you all demonstrate great projects in Nice! 

Hi all,

Thank you for joining me earlier today for this discussion about planning for TM Forum Live! Nice 2017 as well as some of the logistics.  I am attaching both the slide deck that I used to present as well as the recorded presentation for your reference.


2017-05-02 11.06 Ready-Set-Go TM Forum Live! 2017.mp4



Jean-Pierre Dufresne