Joining Project Meetings
Once you are set to receive Meeting Notifications the project meetings will be added to your local computer calendar (e.g. Outlook, Mac Calendar etc) automatically. You will then be reminded shortly before the meeting start time just a s you would for other meeting appointments.
TM Forum project teams generally use GotoMeeting which will launch from a link in the calendar reminder. You have the option to join the voice portion of the call using your computer (using VOIP) or you may dial in to the meeting using a local dial in number. A link to the local dial in numbers is included in the meeting invite
If you have not accessed a Project Meeting using GotoMeeting before you will need to download and run GotoMeeting. It's a good idea to join at least 10 minutes early to make sure you are up and running at the start of the meeting. If you need help getting started here's a link to the GotoMeeting troubleshooting steps